30 Days of Live Strategy | A Retrospective (2)

Following from the last post, I am dropping in the next ten editions from my 30 Days of Live Strategy.

This batch contains a few of my personal favorites.

I found opportunities in the Audible and Daily Mail examples to use analogy reframe.

Life as the denier of reading.

Business as the act of understanding people.

A writing exercise from Mark Pollard helped shape the insights for Succession and Game Pass:

We thought [topic] was about ____________, but it’s actually about __________.

Even just writing the first half of the sentence out forces your mind to generate options for the next.

Denying yourself the obvious or boring or clichéd route pries open the door to an interesting solution.

In terms of getting somewhere interesting — into territory that might excite a creative team — I think Succession and Daily Mail are the closest.

Category here definitely helped; news and television media are inherently emotionally charged.

But I think the simple context reframe helps to elevate each insight in a compelling and clear way.

Day 11 - sell mechanical keyboards to laptop users.

Day 12 - sell Audible subscriptions to book readers.

Day 13 - sell the Daily Mail to readers of the Financial Times.

Day 14 - sell pomelos to fruit snackers.

Day 15 - sell backpacking to China’s travelers.

Day 16 - sell HBO’s Succession to fans of fantasy action.

Day 17 - sell Microsoft’s Game Pass to casual gamers.

Day 18 - sell the subway to cab users.

Day 19 - sell the zoo to young adults.

Day 20 - sell Balenciaga to nerds.


30 Days of Live Strategy | A Retrospective (3)


30 Days of Live Strategy | A Retrospective (1)