Hey Jude | Strategy Safari
The latest from Adidas shows the brand getting back to truths at the heart of the athlete and fan.
Everyday | Strategy Safari
A wonderful spot that captures the feeling of the effortless earn.
Reese’s $7 million misfire
How Reese’s Super Bowl spot reveals mistakes and how they could be fixed.
KFC’s Missed Opportunity
Why KFC China could learn a few things from US market leader MCDonald’s.
Genghis Khan: Strategy 101
It's no surprise that a man synonymous with the largest contiguous empire in history knew a thing or two about strategy. But the fact that the principles he lived by are as true today as they were 700 years ago still does a number on my old noggin.
No Drama | Strategy Safari
This was sent to me by my mum, who is not in advertising. You know a piece of work is doing something right when someone outside the industry asks you to take a look.
“Watch where you’re pointing that strategy, you’ll have someone’s eye out!”
Over the last year or two, the rise of independent strategic consultancies has been a really exciting trend in the agency world. Planners and strategists, seeking to separate their skillset from the execution of creative communication, are blazing new paths beyond the typical deliverables of 'advertising'.